Racism, Risk, & Resilience Lab

Welcome to the Racism, Risk, and Resilience (R₃) Lab! Our research investigates the psychological impact of racism-related stress and trauma in the lives of Black youth and families. Central to our research is the recognition that racial risk and resilience processes simultaneously inform how Black youth perceive, cope, and respond to racism-related stress. Thus, our work leverages both quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate the interplay between individual and contextual level risk and resilience factors in service of understanding:

  • Who is most vulnerable to the traumatic implications of racism.

  • How racism directly and indirectly confers risk to mental health of Black youth and families.

  • What strategies youth and families employ to resist and bounce back from the deleterious effects of racism.

  • What are avenues for prevention and intervention that can mitigate the harmful effects of racism.